Thanks to LadyValella for allowing me to exclusively translate his tutorials

Find the original of this tutorial here

It was created with Paint Shop Pro X5, but can also be done with other versions of PSP

This tutorial is ©LadyValella and cannot be copied to other sites and the same goes for my translation.

To translate it I used PSP XII

Material here

Thanks to all the creators of tubes who, with their work, allow us to make our creations



Does notneed filters



Place the brush in the Brushes folder located in My filePSP




Material palette – Foreground color #dea19e / Background color #b23231

From foreground create a gradient, style Linear

Open a new transparent image of 700 X 500 pixels

Fill with the gradient

Effect - Distortion Effects - Wave, color #000000

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave - color #c00000

Open the tube bp_free_png_011

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as new layer

Move a bit to the left and a bit up

Same as the picture below

Layers - Properties - Opacity 48

Material Palette

Move the VG back to the color and then reverse the colors

Activate preset shape tool rectangle with these settings

View - Rulers

Press the Shift and draw this shape

Same as the picture below

Objects - Align - Center on canvas

Layers - Convert to raster layer

Activate magic wand tool - Tolerance and feather "0"

Select the center of the square

Layers - New raster layer

Activate brush tool find the "swirl-rametto brush"

Stamp with the color #b23231 in the selection

as well as the picture

Selections-Select None

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Layer palette- activate raster layer 3

Activate the magic wand tool and select the dark frame

As well as the picture

Layer Palette - Activate raster layer 4

Press delete on the keyboard

Keep selection

Material Palette - Set the VG to a Gold pattern of your choice

Layers - New raster layer

Fill a gold pattern

Selections - Modify - Contract 2 pixels

Press delete on the keyboard

Selections - Select none

Layers - Merge - Merge 2x down

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop shadow, black

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless tiling

Layers - Merge - Merge down

Open the tube "swirl_Lv13"

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as a new layer

Image - Resize to 60%, all layers unselected

Move to the left above

Effects - £D Effects - Drop Shadow, black

Open the tube "deko_regis2"

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as new layer

Layers - Duplicate

Place left below

Like the original

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror

Image - Flip

Layers - Merge - Merge down

Immage - Add Borders - 1 pixel color green

Activate magic wand tool - Tolerance and feather "0" - Select the border

Fill with the gold pattern

Selections - Select none

Image - Add borders 25 pixels color light blue color

Activate magic wand tool - Tolerance and feather "0" - Select the border

Fill with the gradient linear

Selections - Select none

Layers - Merge - Merge down

Immage - Add Borders - 1 pixel color green

Activate magic wand tool - Tolerance and feather "0" - Select the border

Fill with the gold pattern

Selections - Select none

Selections - Select all

Selections - Modify - Contract 27 pixel

Selections - Invert

Layers - New raster layer

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow, black

Still give drop shadow but  changing vertical and horizontal to - 5

Selections - Select none

Open the tube "mela"

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as new layer

Place as the finished image

Open the tube "logoLV"

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as new layer

Place your Watermark or Name

Layers - Merge - Merge all layers

Save as IPG


If you have problems running the tutorial or just want to tell me you liked it, write me


translated 01/22/2023





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All Rights Reserved
Designed and Maintained by Fidia's Creations